New Study Highlights the Need for Water Efficiency in Municipal Settings



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Improve water efficiency in municipalitiesThe Alliance for Water Efficiency recently released a major new research study on municipal drought response and water demand. Called “The Use and Effectiveness of Municipal Irrigation Restrictions During Drought, this study explores how drought response measures have been implemented and water demand reductions were successful across different water suppliers in different states.  

Municipalities in Texas and California were able to reduce annual demand by 18-30 percent, and peak monthly demand by 20-42 percent through a combination of mandatory demand management measures.

Some of the other findings include:


  1. Voluntary conservation was not successful.
  2. Key messaging and strict enforcement came to be viewed as a “best practice.”
  3. To be effective, Water Shortage Contingency Plans need rules that are enforceable on non-compliant customers.

The two-year research study was done by Anil Bamezai, PhD of Western Policy Research, along with Lisa Maddaus and her team at Maddaus Water Management, Inc. AWE sponsored this study with financial support from the participating water utilities. 

Find water efficiency savings with Envocore

At Envocore, we find that water efficiency measures will save you money by reducing both water and energy use. Through Envocore Water Efficiency Services, we offer you comprehensive audit and design services based upon field-proven methods to minimize on-site water use. We pride ourselves on not affecting the mission of the facility or the tenants. 

For example, water use outside of government and commercial facilities accounts for a huge proportion of the overall water use.  But there are many options to reaching your goal of improved water efficiency, such as low impact development water harvesting, storm water management and irrigation systems, and detecting expensive water leaks.

Envocore offers audit and design, analysis and implementation services to help you find ways to reduce water use in your commercial or government facility,

Envocore Water Efficiency Services’ Audit and Design team has extensive experience in meeting the needs and requirements of all types of facilities. Our analysis is created after taking into account the unique needs and services of each organization. 

We will look at operational hours, census information and various other data to determine savings. From there, we can provide an ROI (Return on Investment) looking at the price of the project versus the estimated savings.

The Implementation Team will be made up of specialists chosen for their expertise, depending on the project. 

Contact us today to find out how to start a project.